Thursday, October 23, 2008

living the now.

if we create our reality, and strive to live in the now, but the now is ever changing, how do you know if the decisions you make are right?
i am an impulsive person, if i wait and think about something, i lose my drive. i make a decision, and sometimes find that i shouldn't have made the choice i did. how am i supposed to trust myself?
i suppose i can say that every choice is divine, we are thrown down a path by decision, and can make of it what we will, try to abstain from feelings of regret and forge a new path, but when it comes to involving other peoples lives and emotions, that seems pretty selfish.
lindsay reminded me today of a fantasy i had as a kid, one i know others have too, that life is really a dream, or an alternate reality, as if my true self is in some other dimension, watching this self struggle through, like i am an experiment.
life is a game, not a game that you win or lose once, it is a constant of wins and losses, seems the true contest lies in who can recover or hold on through all the hard stuff and carry on to the next ingestion of agony or bliss.

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